Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Colorado Hydropower and Jobs Bill moves through Senate Committee

A bill that would simplify the process for new small-scale hydropower projects has moved to the Senate, passing the Senate Energy and Resources Subcommittee on Water and Power hearing. The congressional bill (H.R. 2842) sponsored by Colorado Congressman Scott Tipton, passed in March.

Hydropower is heralded by supporters as a reliable, cheap source of renewable, non-carbon emitting source of energy. The bill would allow for new development at existing facilities to increase power generation and provide more jobs. Calling it "low-hanging fruit," Congressman Tipton believes that simplifying the regulatory process will spur smaller hydropower projects that could provide as much power as Glen Canyon Dam.

Although hydropower is emission-free, it does not come without serious ecosystem impacts, altering volume, temperature, and seasonal flow regimes.

Source: Power Engineering Magazine

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