Friday, September 14, 2012

New Superfund Site Proposed in Salt Lake City

From East Bench Master Plan
The Environmental Protection Agency and the Utah Department of Environmental Quality have proposed that a PCE (tetrachloroethylene) plume site on the east bench of Salt Lake City be added to the National Priorities List of Superfund sites. The contaminant PCE has been found at extremely high levels in groundwater sites in the area, raising public health concerns.

According to the EPA, "The EPA and the UDEQ have identified this problem and the potential health threats it poses. However, we do not know how widespread the plume is and what the actual risks are. Placing the site on the NPL provides the financial and technical resources needed to better determine the extent of the contamination and address the risks where they exist."

Public comment on the remediation efforts are required, and residents and concerned citizens can find out more information here.

Source: EPA Newsroom 

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