Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Debate over Fracking Flares

Hydraulic Fracturing (or fracking) has been the focus of considerable debate in the energy and environment world. Advocates of fracking point to the added jobs and economic benefits that new projects have on surrounding communities, as well as adding to the supply of natural gas, a cleaner alternative to coal. Public health experts are concerned about impacts to water and air quality and the implications for human health.

Fracking may have a significant impact on agriculture, especially in the West where water is comparatively scarce. In Colorado, the New York Times reported that farmers are finding it increasingly difficult to compete with oil and gas companies for water. Many officials argue, however, that oil and gas companies only lease surplus water from municipalities and so far haven't displaced agriculture significantly. However, the fracking industry is continuing to grow and it remains to be seen whether farms can continue to get the water they need.

Source: The Colorado Statesman, NRDC, New York Times

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