Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Fracking proposed near Moab

Residents and activists in Moab are concerned about the potential for groundwater contamination as a result of hydraulic fracking. The BLM plans to auction several parcels near Moab for oil and gas exploration. Of concern are two parcels that lie close to the Glen Canyon Aquifer, the main source for Moab's drinking water.

The BLM is currently preparing an Environmental Assessment, a document required by the National Environmental Policy Act, which will be available later this month. Once it is released, there will be a 30-day public comment period. The main concern will be minimizing the impact fracking could have on the aquifer. Also of concern is the fact that potential negative impacts would be felt in Grand County, but the revenues from the lease funds and property taxes of oil and gas exploration would go to San Juan County.

Source: Salt Lake Tribune; San Francisco Chronicle

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