Thursday, September 13, 2012

Drought affecting Colorado Corn Growers

The early and disappointing spring snowmelt, high temperatures, and drought conditions have taken their toll on corn farmers in Colorado and across the Midwest. Extreme drought conditions were officially declared on August 21, and a growing proportion of corn harvests are declared "poor."

The low supply is hurting the corn farmers, but also driving the price of corn up, making it difficult for ranchers who purchase corn for animal feed.

Legal requirements of the Colorado River Compact require Colorado water rights holders to let a certain amount of water leave the state for downstream states. This has put the pressure on upstream users in Colorado during this particularly difficult drought year.

Climate Change experts agree that more extreme weather, including drought and flooding, will increase in their severity over the coming decades. This will have great impact on the agricultural production sector of the U.S. economy.

Source: Brush News Tribune

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